Amora: From the Streets to the Heart, A Story of Overcoming and Love
Pets World

Amora: From the Streets to the Heart, A Story of Overcoming and Love

Amora, a stray dog, found herself in a terrible situation. Monsters, taking advantage of her nobility, shot her. She, not understanding, kept wagging her tail. She wanted to make friends, but this is what she got.

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Her jaw was shattered into a thousand pieces, a deep gash ran down her neck. Bullet fragments were found in her snout and under the skin of her body. A bone in her stomach, imminent danger, and what hurts me most, no one came to help her.

On day 2 they found her, standing in a puddle of water, asking for help with her wounded look. Amora’s surgery lasted more than three hours.

On the third day, he underwent a second surgery to repair the bone. His jaw was reinforced and an esophagectomy was performed. Despite strong painkillers, he was in severe pain.

The doctor prescribed exercise to improve his blood circulation. Our problem is pain syndrome, in addition to significant purulent irritation of the oral cavity. We still have to inject painkillers into his vein regularly in this period. We always cheer her up and tell her jokes to make her feel better. But nothing seemed to cheer her up.

After 30 days, the structure was removed, it had ceased to fulfill its function. However, the jaw remained fixed, causing little difficulty when moving. She could eat again in about a month, according to the doctor.

2 months later, she could feed herself, the esophageal tube was treated and best of all, we were discharged the next day.

All the difficulties and challenges were over. We must thank the doctors for their hard work. His makeover surprised everyone at the vet.

Amora was on the verge of death, in unimaginable pain. But still, she continues to believe in people, and her life has been filled with love and happiness ever since.


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